Statement of Faith"

You must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine – Titus 2:1


  1. We believe and follow the Bible alone as the written Holy Word of God; the 66 books of the Old & New Testaments.
    2 Pet 3:2, 15-16

  2. We believe the Bible, as God’s communication, was divinely inspired and without error when originally recorded by human authors and has been preserved.
    Num 23:19, 2 Tim 3:16, 2 Pet 1:19-21, Rev 1:1-3

  3. We believe the Bible contains everything we need to understand who God is and to understand His plan for our salvation.
    John 20:30-31, 2 Tim 3:15

  4. We believe the Bible to be our guide and final authority for truth, Christian living and church life.
    Ps 119:9-11, 2 Tim 3:16-17, Rev 1:3


  1. We believe in the One True and Living God of the Bible.
    Deut 6:4, Jer 10:10

  2. We believe the One God is revealed in the three persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
    Matt 28:19, John 14:26

  3. We believe God the Father to be spirit; all-powerful, holy, loving, eternal; Creator, Sovereign, Savior and Judge of all things.
    1 Sam 2:2,10, Jer 10:10,16, John 4:24, Tit 3:4

  4. We believe Jesus to be Divine, the Son of God, born of the virgin Mary, the Messiah.
    Matt 1:18-25; Lk 1:31-35; 2:11

  5. We believe Jesus revealed the Father through his teaching and miracles.
    John 8:28-29;14:8-11

  6. We believe Jesus died as a sinless sacrifice for our sins on the cross, rose from the dead and is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven as our King and Great High Priest.
    Eph 1:20, Heb 4:14; 9:14

  7. We believe the Holy Spirit to be the Divine source of spiritual life, who convicts of sin, indwells, guides, instructs and empowers believers.
    John 3:6, 16:8-15: Acts 1:8


  1. We believe that humans are unique in creation; made in the image of God.
    Gen 1:27

  2. We believe humans were created pure, in fellowship with God and with a free will.
    Gen 2:16-17, 25, Ecc 7:29a

  3. We believe humans chose to sin and disobey God’s command.
    Gen 3:6-7, Ecc 7:29b

  4. We believe all humans are sinful, fallen short of God’s glory, separated from God, living under the curse of sin and awaiting God’s righteous judgement.
    Gen 3:16-24, Rom 3:10-12, 5:12; Rev 20:11-15

  5. We believe no human is able to save themselves but all are in need of God’s grace and salvation provided through Jesus Christ.
    Rom 5:6, 18; 7:18


  1. We believe that only the work of God’s grace through Jesus Christ provides salvation.
    John 14:6, Acts 4:12

  2. We believe that Jesus Christ, as the Lamb of God, was the atoning sacrifice to provide the orgiveness of our sins through his substitutionary death on the cross.
    John 1:29, 1 Cor 15:3, 1 John 4:10

  3. We believe that in salvation we receive the forgiveness of sins, spiritual birth and eternal life.
    Luke 1:77, John 3:3,16

  4. We believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the evidence that God’s promise of salvation is true.
    Rom 1:3-4; 8:11; 1 Cor 15:17-18

  5. We believe that Christ’s one time death is sufficient to cover the sins of the whole world.
    Heb 10:10-14; 1 Pet 3:18; 1 John 2:2

  6. We believe that forgiveness will be given to those who believe in God and His Son, Jesus Christ.
    Acts 13:38-39; Rom 10:9-10

  7. We believe that good works are not the means of our salvation but are the clear evidence of the faith that is in our hearts.
    Eph 2:8-10


  1. We believe that each believer is given the gift of the Holy Spirit.
    Acts 2:38-39

  2. We believe that each believer as a new creation will desire to worship God, grow in the truth, live a life of obedience and will produce the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
    2 Cor 5:17; Ps 72:25; John 15:8; Gal 5:22-23

  3. We believe each believer is given spiritual gifts by the Holy Spirit that they are to develop and use.
    1 Cor 12:4-11, 1 Tim 4:14

  4. We believe God desires believers to worship, grow and use their gifts in fellowship with the body of Christ; the church.
    1 Cor 12:14-27; Heb 10:25

  5. We believe that believers, although not perfect, can live holy, victorious lives: consistently through the power of the Holy Spirit.
    2 Per 1:3-4


  1. We believe that there is only one Church; The Family of God; The Body of Christ, made up of true followers of Jesus Christ who is their Head.
    1 Cor 12:12-13; Eph 4:4, Col 1:18

  2. We acknowledge that the local church at times will include believers, seekers and deceivers.
    2 Tim 4:3-4; 2 Pet 2:1; 1 John 2:18-19

  3. We believe that true believers are not defined by human standards but are only perfectly known in the heart of God.
    John 1:12-13, 2 Tim 2:19

  4. We believe water baptism for believers is an act of obedience to the command of Christ and an outward symbol of an inner spiritual reality.
    Matt 28:19; Rom 6:1-5

  5. We believe communion for believers is an act of obedience to the command of Christ and a symbolic reminder and proclamation of faith in Christ’s death on the cross.
    1 Cor 11:23-26

  6. We believe the calling of the church is to worship God in community and fulfill the Great Commission to spread the gospel & make disciples of Jesus Christ.
    Matt 28:19-20; Rom 12:1-2


  1. We believe in the physical and visible return of Jesus Christ to reign upon the earth.
    Matt 24:30; Rev 20:4-5

  2. We believe that Jesus, as the glorified King of Kings, will defeat and destroy death, Satan & his fallen angels with everlasting punishment in hell.
    Matt 25:41; 1 Cor 15:25-26, Rev 20:10

  3. We believe the dead will be raised to face judgment; believers will receive eternal life & those who rejected Jesus Christ, everlasting punishment in hell.
    Matt 25:31-46; Rev 20:11-15

  4. We believe this present heaven & earth will be destroyed and replaced by a new heaven & earth where God will live with us in his glory for eternity.
    2 Pet 3:10-13; Rev 21:1