Historical Background

Every house is built by someone but God is the builder of everything - Hebrews 3:4


The Takamatsu Community Church (TCCh) was founded in December of 1998. TCCh began with a unique structure with several congregations under one church umbrella with shared vision, leadership, finances and ministry.

Early history

In the early 1950s, Ralph and Stella Cox came to Japan as missionaries with TEAM; The Evangelical Alliance Mission. Over the years they planted many churches in this region of Japan focused primarily on Kagawa. During the last 10 years of his life, Ralph decided to join the remaining church plants into one church which became the Takamatsu Community Church.


Since its founding TCCh has kept its “community” vision with congregations working together because there are many advantages to the present structure. Over the years, various locations have been a part of TCCh but the present four locations are the Center Church, Setouchi Chapel, Ayagawa Christ Church and Mure International Chapel. New congregations may be added in the future and some locations may break away and become independent churches as the Lord leads. You are welcome to discover the joys of knowing our loving God and serving our Savior, Jesus Christ, in community with us at one of our locations. Because this is “His Story”, to His Name be all the glory!