We are all members of one body - Ephesians 4:25


The Church is God’s.
People don’t own it, don’t make it and don’t build it. It is wholly God’s work and possession.
Matt 16:18; 1 Pet 2:9-10

The Church is People.
The word “church” means “called out from” or “to assemble / gather together”. The church is those God has called out from the world to be his own.
1 Thess 2:12

The church is those God will gather together as a harvest from out of the earth as his own in the last days. The church obviously refers to people not a building or an organization.
Luke 10:2; John 4:35-36; 1 Thess 4:16-18

The Church is One.
Biblically speaking there is only one church.
Rom 12:5; I Cor 10:17 & 12:12-13,20; Eph 2:16, 3:6, 4:4, 25; Col 3:15

The Church is Universal.
All believers in Jesus, everywhere, of all races, Jews & Gentiles.
Gal 3:26-28; 1 Thess 4:16-17

The Church is a Body.
The church is referred to as the Body of Christ. (See verses under The Church is One) There is a vital connection between parts; diversity with unity and interdependence.
1 Cor 12:12-27

The Church is Believers.
The church is made up of believers; those in personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
John 10:14, 14:20; 1 Cor 8:3; 2 Tim 2:19

The Church is God’s people; one universal body of believers.


The one, universal body of believers that God has called out to be his own also gathers in local groups or bodies which we will call local churches. These local churches need structure & organization as they grow in numbers (ex: Acts 6:1-7). The various denominations we see today reflect different types of structure & organization. It is very important to understand that God does not command a specific type of organization for the local church.

This flexibility is important as the gospel spreads throughout various cultures in the world. The various structures & organizations are man-made and thus will have weaknesses. But if God is at the center and Christ is truly the head of the local church any one of a number of structures can be a blessing to the believers involved in that local church.

For the local church, obedience to Christ, the spread of the gospel and love are the key, not the structure.


When a person is saved, they simultaneously become a part of the universal body of Christ, but membership in a local church is a separate issue.

It is totally possible for a person to be a member of a local church and not be truly saved. Also a person can be in a situation where for a time they are not a member of a local church but still they are a believer and a faithful part of the universal church. Our use of the word “membership” refers the local church only. It is an important organizational step to protect & strengthen a local church as it grows. It signifies a spiritual commitment between the individual and the local church. The church commits to help care for the individual’s needs.

The individual commits to active involvement in the church through the following ways:

  1. Attending worship services and events
  2. Participating in the life of the church (ex: leading worship, teaching kids’ CS, youth ministry, annual business meetings, church representatives, cleaning, etc.)
  3. Tithing
  4. Praying
  5. Submitting to the authority, given by God to the local church leadership. Heb 13:17 (This will be explained more under #6 DISCIPLINE)

The ultimate purpose of membership in the local church is to serve & give glory to God in unity.
Rom 15:5-6


TCCh’s policy of membership is best described as: Active Membership Renewal.

Active is the 5 ways the individual becomes involved in the local church (3. MEMBERSHIP above).

Membership is the spiritual commitment between the individual and the local church (3. MEMBERSHIP).

Renewal means that the commitment made for membership is renewed on a yearly basis.

This is a simple process of verbal or written confirmation of one’s membership. Why is a yearly renewal necessary?

  1. Renewal is a healthy reminder of our commitment to the local church.
  2. Renewal emphasizes the idea of being an actively involved member.
  3. Renewal gives membership greater meaning and significance.
  4. Renewal encourages local involvement wherever a person may live. Example: Believers who move away from TCCh will be encouraged to find a new local church and become an active member there instead of depending on a never expiring membership at TCCh.
  5. Renewal protects the local church. Example: when big decisions need to be made by the local church, people who are
    not active members in the local church will not be able to influence the decision process.
  6. Renewal helps the local church live by faith.
    Example: If a family moves to another city it will probably affect the tithes of TCCh. However, we want members of the body of Christ to be active where they live.
    TCCh wants to encourage living by faith in finances and all other areas of life.


  1. Commitment to Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior with a confession of faith.
  2. Baptism
  3. Commitment to the Word of God as authoritative for one’s Christian life.
  4. Commitment to the body life of TCCh.
  5. Commitment to the Statement of Faith and Policies of TCCh.

Once these requirements are met, an individual will be publically announced as a new member and lovingly welcomed by the other church members.


The TCCh will have two types of membership: Active and Associate. TCCh will allow dual membership under special conditions. TCCh will also keep a “seki” 籍; a registration of baptism, for its members.

ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP アクティブ会員 Active members are people who meet the membership requirements and make a membership commitment. Active members can serve in ministry and also have voting rights on church decisions.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP 准会員 People who are unable to fulfill the description for being an active member, but still want to maintain a close relationship with TCCh can be granted an Associate Member status. Consider the following situations:

  1. A person who, because of work or schooling, is away from Kagawa for an extended period of time but comes back to visit and will eventually return.
  2. A person who moves away but wants to stay connected temporarily with TCCh until they find a new church to join in their new location.
  3. A person who wants to keep their main membership in a different “home church” (ex: in the Philippines) yet still wants to be actively involved in TCCh. Associate members still need to meet the requirements for membership. Associate members can serve in ministry but will not have voting rights on church decisions.

DUAL MEMBERSHIP How does my Active/Associate membership with TCCh relate to my membership in another church?
The TCCh will allow dual memberships when the three following things are true:

  1. If the member truly lives in two different locations or countries.
  2. If there is a high probability of returning to the original church in the near future.
  3. If both churches embrace dual membership or some related affiliation.

Explanation of the Japanese “seki” 籍 For TCCh, the Japanese idea of “seki” 籍 will refer to a person’s registration of baptism only and not to a person’s membership status (most Japanese churches combine the two). When a person is saved and baptized in the Takamatsu Community Church they will have their “seki” 籍 (registration of Baptism) with the TCCh.
However seki is different from their membership.
For example: if a person is not living in Kagawa and they are no longer a member here, their seki can still remain here as long as they wish.
People can transfer their seki from one church to TCCh after talking with the leadership.
The TCCh leaders will also gladly help in any transition of seki from TCCh to another church.


As mentioned in the explanation of membership (Section 3 point#5) church discipline is a policy of the TCCh that all members agree to. In order to protect a local church from the influence of hypocrisy & false teaching and also to restore, through repentance, believers who have fallen into sin, a form of discipline is necessary in the local church. Several key guidelines for discipline in a local church are outlined in the Bible. A clear policy of local church membership is the foundation for a healthy policy of church discipline. If a person consciously agrees to submit to the authority of the local church leadership when they become a member, then if there is a problem of sin, the leadership can follow the Biblical principles to help restore this person who has fallen into sin. Without such a spiritual commitment, either sin will go unaddressed by the leadership or the authority of the leadership may not be respected resulting in many problems for the church.

Discipline is an act of love in an attitude of humility with the goal of protecting truth, unifying the body, and restoring those fallen into sin.
Heb 12:5-6; Gal 6:1-3